Legends Of Aurum

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Legends of Aurum (LOA): Whitepaper


With vital lessons learned from the gaming and crypto industries, our focus remains steadfast on crafting a game that entertains, challenges, and rewards its players on the merits of gameplay alone.

LOA integrates blockchain elements as a complementary feature that works alongside the gaming experience without interfering with it, invisible for players who do not want to be involved.

Set against the rich backdrop of Dragon Haven, a land of mystery and opportunity, our game invites players to explore, compete, and thrive in a world thoughtfully designed to balance nostalgia with modern gaming dynamics. Here, the enchantment of pixel art and the thrill of platform adventures converge, offering a sanctuary where strategy and skill dictate success.

Issues with Blockchain Games

DCG Entertainment has grown within the gaming industry and learned lessons to carry forward.

One of the most notable missteps in the realm of blockchain games has been the overemphasis on NFTs and cryptocurrency elements at the expense of the gaming experience itself. This section explores the pitfalls that LOA aims to avoid:

Over Reliance on NFTs

Many blockchain games (as well as our own) have implemented NFTs in a way that gates essential gameplay behind these digital assets. This approach effectively makes NFT ownership a prerequisite for full game participation, which can alienate a significant portion of potential players who are either unable or unwilling to engage with NFTs from the outset.

Forcing Blockchain Interaction

Players are often required to have a working knowledge of wallets, tokens, and other crypto-related mechanics just to engage with basic game functions. This steep learning curve can be daunting for traditional gamers who are accustomed to more straightforward gaming experiences.

Neglecting Traditional Gaming Values

Focusing too heavily on blockchain features can lead to a neglect of core gaming principles such as story development, character progression, and engaging gameplay mechanics. When the novelty of the blockchain integration wears off, players are left with a game that may not offer enough to keep them engaged long-term.

The Legends of Aurum Approach

In contrast, LOA is designed to integrate blockchain technology to enhance the gaming experience without overshadowing it.

Our game allows for walletless play, where players can sign up and enjoy the game without ever interacting with the blockchain.

Although touted as a huge benefit to crypto gaming, “owning your assets” hasn't proven to be something to win regular game players over, although users can still opt in to own their own assets in LOA, they do not have to.

Additionally, using NFTs and other blockchain elements is optional and designed to add value rather than restrict access.

The team has focused on the core game loop and made sure it is enjoyable and a great game whether you're on the blockchain or not.

By learning from our past experiences, LOA aims to attract and retain a broad audience by offering a compelling and inclusive gaming experience that respects both traditional gamers and crypto enthusiasts.

Key Features

  • Free-Play: Access the game without spending or owning crypto assets.
  • Walletless Play: Enjoy the game without needing a crypto wallet unless desired.
  • Sustainable Earning Mechanism: Players compete on time, or score on skill based challenges on a leaderboard, only top players receive prizes.
  • Engaging Pixel Art Aesthetic: Immerse yourself in a visually stunning world reminiscent of classic gaming.
  • Random Dungeon Generation: Ensuring users always have a fresh experience, new dungeons and challenges will always be available.
  • Inclusive Gameplay: Catering to casual players and those seeking a challenge.
  • Community and Social Integration: Foster connections, collaborations, and guilds within the game and in the future, social platforms.
  • Dynamic Content and Regular Updates: Regular updates keep the gameplay experience fresh.
  • Skin and Visual Identity: Customise characters with skins and gear options.

Game Loop

  • Town, the preparation phase: Plan, manage skills and equipment, and engage in quests.
  • Dungeons/The Wild, The Action Phase: Embark on solo adventures, conquer dungeons, and compete in leaderboard based daily dungeon challenges.
  • Loot collection, The Reward Phase: Collect loot, acquire resources, and unearth ancient artifacts.
  • Return to Town, Recuperation and Trade Phase: Trade items with NPCs, engage in peer-to-peer trading and interact with other players.
  • Upgrading and planning, progression phase: Upgrade skills and equipment, strategise for upcoming challenges.
  • Repeating loop with more demanding challenges: Scaling difficulty, through random generation, yielding better loot, exploring new areas, and evolving with the landscape.
  • Ongoing: Collect ancient artifacts and treasures, take them back to the museum to complete collections. Building these collections reveals lore about the game and gives the player unique items and skins.

Ensuring a Fun and Engaging Experience

  • Balanced Challenge and Reward: Scale difficulty with player progression, offering a variety of challenges.
  • Varied and Engaging Content: Keep the experience fresh with new content and events.
  • Player Choice: Empower players to shape their journey and progression.
  • Community Events: Encourage collaboration and participation through special events.
  • Upgrading and planning, progression phase: Upgrade skills and equipment, strategise for upcoming challenges.
  • Feedback Loop: Continuously refine and improve the game based on player feedback.

Seamless Integration of blockchain elements

In LOA the integration of the $DCG token, is designed to be transparent and non-disruptive for traditional gamers. Most players engage with the game's economy like every other game, making purchases in-app or in-game directly with fiat currency or standard digital payments. These transactions automatically contribute to the demand and utility of the $DCG token within the game's ecosystem, all without exposing players to the complexities of cryptocurrency.

When traditional gamers make purchases, their spending is seamlessly accounted for and converted into $DCG tokens behind the scenes. This process ensures that every transaction indirectly supports the in-game currency's stability and value, enhancing the overall economic model without requiring player awareness or direct interaction with the blockchain.

This approach ensures that all players, regardless of their interest in or knowledge of cryptocurrency, can enjoy LOA purely for its gameplay. Meanwhile, the underlying blockchain elements operate discreetly, maintaining a dynamic and sustainable game economy. This system exemplifies how LOA sets a new standard for integrating cryptocurrency into gaming without compromising the integrity and accessibility of the gaming experience.

Why Legends of Aurum Will Succeed

Building a great game

LOA's appeal lies in its engaging gameplay and rich, immersive world that respects the traditions of platformer and RPG genres. This foundation is critical to driving in-app purchases, ensuring that players are motivated by the game's intrinsic entertainment value rather than extrinsic financial incentives.

Monetisation Strategy

Power Card Packs

When a player enters a dungeon, they can choose cards to play. Each card gives them a unique way of playing a dungeon, for example, one might make enemies 5% slower, one might give the player more speed, one might make the dungeon have more loot. Players can collect these cards and build their perfect deck, with hundreds of unique cards available. Players can strategise and change their experience by using these cards, not every dungeon will benefit from the same deck of cards.

Obtaining power cards can be bought with either in-game currency or by making in-app purchases. This gives players an exciting gacha-like experience when unwrapping and revealing their cards, much like Pokémon or Magic cards, with chances to win extra free cards or cosmetics.

Monthly subscriptions

Although LOA is a free game, if you want to enjoy very rare, unique cosmetics as well as customisation options not available to other players and a monthly card pack, you can purchase a low cost subscription or even gift it to another player.

These players will stand out from the crowd in the bustling town of Dragon Haven.

Profit Sharing through NFTs

Another unique feature of LOA is the profit-sharing mechanism embedded within our NFTs.

When players purchase Pixel Hero NFTs, they gain access to exclusive visual customisation options and become eligible for 10% of the game's NET profits shared between NFT holders.

This model ensures that non-gamers who invest in NFTs can reap the rewards of LOA's success, even if they aren't actively playing with their Pixel Heroes.

Our strategy to build a strong community is central to the game's long-term success. By implementing NFTs, not only as collectibles but as stake-holding elements of the game, we transform users into supporters.

Becoming part of the community

This community-driven approach ensures continuous engagement and feedback, driving the game's development and refinement.

This isn't just buying a picture; the holders become part of the journey, benefitting from profit-sharing, and through this, fostering a vested interest in the success and growth of LOA.


LOA will succeed because it offers an exceptional gameplay experience supported by a robust economic model and committed, engaged supporters with a stake in the game. LOA provides an exciting platform for traditional gamers and introduces crypto enthusiasts to a sustainable ecosystem where their investment in time and resources is genuinely impactful.

Join us on this epic journey as we explore the mythical lands of Dragon Haven and redefine the boundaries of gaming and crypto interaction.

Disclaimer: This whitepaper is an informational guide for LOA and does not constitute investment advice. We encourage all players and investors to research before participating in cryptocurrency-related activities